Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Times Square: One Times Square Building and The Actor's Equity Building

From visiting the site, One Times Square is on an North-South Axis that is visble by both pedestrian and vehicular traffic.  The Times Square Tower rests just behind the historic One Times Square, covered in signage.  The Actor's Equity Building, also a historic building at the site has a different relationship to the observer, its side is used for advertisement and in some way had an advantage to the tower in that it is able to use two sides for display upon approaching traffic whereas The Times Square Tower and One Times Square side views are blocked by adjacent buildings. 

One Times Square
Built: 1904
Roof Height:  395ft (120m)
Floor Count:  25
Structural Type: High rise
Cyrus L.W. Eidlitz, James C.
Developer: the New York Times
Architectural Style:  Art Deco
Materials:  granite, terracotta, marble, concrete paneling 
Building Use: Office for The New York Times later

Times Square Tower
Built:  2004
Roof Height:  726ft (221m)
Floor Count:  47
Structural Type: Highrise
Architects: Skidmore, Owings and Merrill
Delveloper: Boston Properties
Materials:  Glass, steel, concrete
Building Use:  Office, retail

The Actor's Equity Building
Built:  1924
Roof Height:  202ft
Floor Count: 17
Structural Type:  Highrise
Architects:McKim, Mead, and White Architects

Materials: Blass, steel, concrete

Buildng Ues:  Office Restaurant

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