Times Square is located at the intersection of the borough Manhattan and New York City and at the junction of Broadway and Seventh Avenue. It stretches west towards 42nd Street and 47th Street. It is the heart of New York's Theatre District and has become a global city for tourism, business, and entertainment. After The New York Times moved its new headquarters at 42nd and Broadway in 1904, the original name of Long acre Square changed to Times Square. The Times Building, now called One Times Square is the location of the New Year's Ball Drop. By 1930s, commercial real-estate began to flourish, with 20 new skyscrapers; this was also a time of crime and corruption. This atmosphere of danger began to change in the 1980s with the help major development under Mayor Ed Koch and David Dinkins. Crime was uprooted from their main sources, new infrastructure began to evolve, and Walt Disney purchased over __ of New York City real-estate, making Times Square a major anchor for the city and what some may say, "Disneyfied" Times Square.
Theatre District
Big, bold, and bright became a signage a zoning requirement in Times Square.
1904 image of Times Square Broadway at 42nd St in 1880.
Bibliography: http://goodnightraleigh.com/2011/06/apples-spaceship-campus-proposal-looks-familiar/,http://wirednewyork.com/forum/showthread.php?t=21249&page=4,http://www.nyctourist.com/history1.htm,http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?,q=cache:HdWSQkrp0TMJ:www.nps.gov/archeology/tools/Laws/nhpa.htm+historic+preservation+act+definition+historic+properties&cd=3&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us&client=firefox-a&source=www.google.com, http://www.nyc.gov/html/dob/downloads/pdf/signbroch.pdf
Photos taken by: Nyasha Felder
√ good background intro.