Similar to the other site visits, the clusters of social activity were either programmed by the site or by the people that use the space. The Highline has both strategically planed activity zones while some spaces were improvised mainly for performace events. The high line has regularly scheduled events and it is less likely that you would encounter an unplanned ostentation. Which makes it predictable and not as public as it could be. What really makes the Highline different from the other public spaces is that it generates movement, you cannot experience the park without moving through it, it becomes like sort of a highway of leisure activity where the other sites were more destination focused: one travels on a route leading to the public space mainly to sit and observe, socialize, and participate in an activity taking place. The High line encourages physical activity. One would want to walk along its length because the visual focal point is not within a broad visual range rather along a myopic linear path that transitions from one experience to the next; carnally playing out along its course; allegorically, a visual play of events outside of the would be train window.
Woman enjoying the sun and water feature.
Before development, Pre 2005 redevelopment
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